Sunday, November 2, 2008

Its Been A HECK Of A Week!

Can you believe I STILL have not unpacked my Designer Diamond embroidery/sewing machine? Part of the reason is that I don't have anywhere to put it. I had NO idea it was as big as it is, so I'm destashing some fabrics and patterns and trying to make room for this:

Its made by Horn of America and probably costs more than I can afford right now, but it would be a major space saver. If I got this table I could then use my current sewing table for my Designer Diamond (which will take up the entire table!). The sewing machine isn't the part that is so big, its the embroidery arm. Its huge. And for me, totally unnecessary! lol! But, like I said, I HAD to have the machine. I'm more into small embroideries right now. Perhaps in a few years when my kids are in school during the day I'll have time to do large embroideries. I hope so. Anyway, I'm off to play with the kiddies today. Its going to be in the 60's so it would be a crime to stay indoors. Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and DON"T FORGET TO VOTE ON TUESDAY!!


QuiltedSimple said...

That would be a great sewing center. How did all your costumes come out?

Robin said...

I really like that sewing center! Right now I have my machines on a long table that my husband's friend made for me - we bought the plans from an ebay seller and he constructed it from that while we were out of town one weekend, as a surprise. I like your setup better though, I think, as mine is also a cutting table and I have to move the machines to lay fabric out.

Ed & Jeanne said...

You know, even I could sew with a machine like that. long as it came with a seamstress that is.

Claremont First Ward said...

Looks like a really nice set up for your great new machine.........:)

Anonymous said...

What a great table. I'm having a similar where to put my sewing machine. A table like that would be wonderful.


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